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Monday, April 19, 2010

Baby Books

Are new moms suppose to read the baby books before the baby arrives? I have been trying to read a couple of baby books for the past four months. I could really use some guidance. Lady O is now five months and I never finished Baby Wise. Maybe that is one of my problems? I never had the chance to understand her feeding times. Now, I am trying to read the Baby Whisperer and I carry it everywhere. Will reading a page a day get me anywhere? Probably not, I won't ever add that title to my resume.

I really wanted to learn about setting up a sleep schedule and I'm envious of mom's who have it figured out. "Nobody cares". Everyday that passes without me reading is another day of less sleep. So, one book tells me to follow the E-A-S-Y plan. Meaning= Eat, Activity, Sleep, You time. I think the Y needs to be dropped because it never happens. You really don't get to sleep when the baby sleeps. Once the baby goes down I can open mail, pay bills, return any important calls, make the bed, start laundry and anything else that NEEDS to be done. What is YOU time suppose to mean? Oh I know, its your time to finish reading this silly baby book.

One more thing, my baby is not E-A-S-Y, she is EAT- SLEEP-EAT-ACTIVITY-SLEEP and sometimes Y. But, she is only 5 months old and can't spell.

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